ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
1. Kluykov A.A. (2015) The Technology to determine parameters of gravity field of the Earth using gradient and metrical measurements. 2. Systems of coordinate and time in the space gradientmetry. Geodezia i Kartografia, (1), pp. 4-11. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2015-895-1-4-11. |
2. Korn G., Korn T. Spravochnik po matematike dlia nauchnykh rabotnikov i ingenerov [Mathematical Handbook for scientists and engineers]. M.: Nauka, 1968, 720 p. |
3. Ditmar P., Klees R. (2002) A method to compute the Earth’s gravity field from SGG/SST data to be acquired by GOCE satellite. DUP Science, 6 p. |
4. Reed G.B. (1973) Application of kinematical geodesy for determining the short wave length component of the gravity field by satellite gradiometry. Report № 201. The Ohio State University, Department of Geodesy Science, 164 p. |
(2017) Computation of first and second order derivatives gravity potential in different coordinate systems. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(7), pp. 15-22. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-926-8-15-22 |