ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
1. Astapovich A.V. Teoriya matematicheskoj obrabotki geodezicheskih izmerenij [The theory of mathematical processing of geodetic measurements]. – Ch. 2: Teaching aid. SPb.: SPVVTKU, 1997, 199 p. |
2. Bol’shakov V.D. Teoriya oshibok nablyudenij [The theory of errors of observations]. M.: Nedra, 1983, 289 p. |
3. Gajdaev P.A., Bol'shakov V.D. Teoriya matematicheskoj obrabotki geodezicheskih izmerenij. Izd. 2-e, pererab. i dop.. M.: Nedra, 1977, 367 p. |
4. Demidov O.V. Zadacha tesnoj integracii sistem GLONASS i GPS s inercial’nymi navigacionnymi sistemami raznyh klassov tochnosti [The task of integration of GLONASS and GPS with inertial navigation systems of different accuracy classes]: Dis. na soisk. uch. st. kand. fiz. M.: MGU, 2009, 139 p. |
5. Larin D.A. (1964) To the question of the adjustment of astronomic-geodetic network. Geodezia i Kartografia, (8), pp. 3–12. |
6. Parusnikov N.A., Golovan A.A. Matematicheskie osnovy navigacionnyh sistem. Ch. I. Matematicheskie modeli inercial’noj navigacii [Mathematical fundamentals of navigation systems. Part I. Mathematical models of inertial navigation.]. M.: Izd-vo MG, 2007, 110 p. |
7. Chernov I. V. Issledovanie dostigaemyh tochnostej orientirovaniya giroteodolitnymi komplektami [The study achieved accuracies of orientation gyrotheodolite sets]. Naukoyomkie tekhnologii v kosmicheskih issledovaniyah Zemli, 2016, Vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 12–16. |
8. Chernov I.V., Alekseev V.F., Yakovlev A.I. Opredelenie azimutov s primeneniem otnositel’nogo metoda kosmicheskoj geodezii bez ispol’zovaniya iskhodnoj geodezicheskoj osnovy [Determination of azimuths with the use of a relative method of space geodesy without using the original geodesic Foundation]. Informaciya i Kosmos, 2016, 3. pp. 103–107. |
9. Cannon M.E., Lachapelle G., Nayak R., Salychev O., Voronov V. (2001) Low Cost INS/GPS Integration: Concepts and Testing. The Journal of Navigation, Royal Institute of Navigation, no. 54, pp. 119–13. |
10. Phillips R.E., Schmidt G.T. (1996) GPS/INS Integration. In: System Implications and Innovative Applications of Satellite Navigation. AGARD Lecture Series 207, no. 9, Canada Communication Group, Quebec, pp. 1–18. |
(2017) The model is integrated satellite gyroscopic system operational determination of high-precision bearing. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(7), pp. 2-8. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-925-7-2-8 |