ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
1. Beruchashvili N.L., Zhuchkova V.K. Metody kompleksnykh fiziko-geograficheskikh issledovaniy [The methods of complex physical-geographic researches]. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1997, 320 p. |
2. Druzhinin А.N., Idrisov I.R., Marshinin А.V. Opyt kartografirovaniya landshaftov arkticheskoy tundry na primere severo-zapadnoy chasti ostrova Belyy (Karskoye more) [The experience of landscape mapping in the Arctic tundra on example of the northwest part of Bely Island (the Kara Sea)]. Geoinformatsionnoye kartografirovaniye v regionakh Rossii [Geoinformational mapping in Russia’s regions], Voronezh: Nauchnaya kniga, 2015, pp. 46–54. |
3. Idrisov I.R., Kozin V.V., Marshinin А.V., Marinskikh D.M. Geoinformatsionnoye obespecheniye ekologicheskogo audita neftegazopromyslovykh predpriyatiy (na primere Vyngapurovskogo mestorozhdeniya nefti) [Geoinformational supporting of environmental audit of oil and gas enterprises (on example of Vyngapur oil field. Problemy regionalnoy ekologii [Problems of regional ecology], 2006, no. 3, pp. 88–95. |
4. Karpachev А.P. Opyt klassifikatsii kosmosnimka Landsat s pomoshchyu Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin в QGIS [The experience of the Landsat space image classification with the help of Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin в QGIS], 25.06.2016. URL: |
5. Kozin V.V. Landshaftnyy analiz v neftegazopromyslovom regione [The landscape analysis in oil and gas region]. Tyumen: Izd-vo Tyumen State University, 2007, 240 p. |
6. Kozlov D.N. Inventarizatsiya landshaftnogo pokrova metodami prostranstvennogo analiza dlya tseley landshaftnogo planirovaniya [The taking stock of landscape cover by methods of spatial analysis for purposes of landscape planning]. Landshaftnoye planirovaniye. Obshchiye osnovaniya. Metodologiya. Tekhnologiya [Landscape planning. General basis. Methodology. Technology], М.: izd. MGU, 2006, pp. 117–137. |
7. Milkov F.N. Landshaftnaya geografiya i voprosy praktiki [Landscape geography and questions of practice]. М.: Mysl, 1966, 256 p. |
8. Svidzinskaya D.V. Osnovnyye geomorfometricheskiye parametry: teoriya [The basic geomorphometric parameters: theory] 31.11.2013. URL: |
9. Chaban L.N. Avtomatizirovannaya obrabotka aehrokosmicheskoj informacii pri kartografirovanii geoprostranstvennyh dannyh. M.: Izd-vo MIIGAiK, 2013, 104 p. |
10. Sharyy P.А. Geomorfometriya v naukakh o Zemle i ekologii, obzor metodov i prilozheniy [Geomorphometry in sciences about Earth and ecology, view of methods and applications]. Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN [The bulletin of Samara scientific centre RAS], 2006, no. 8(2), pp. 458–473. |
(2017) The experience of large-scale mapping of the Arctic landscapes in Western Siberia. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(7), pp. 31-37. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-925-7-31-37 |