1 Istomina E.A.
2 Luzhkova N.M.

Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS


Zapovednoe Podlemorye

Assessment and mapping of ecosystem services (ES) plays important role in planning of tourism activities. It may serve as the basis for recreation development in Zabaikalsky National Park. With information on the land-use and predominant tree species from the forest inventory database area, we could divide the territory in following land cover categories, corresponding with CORINE international classification: deciduous forests, coniferous forests, wetlands, shrubforest communities, beaches, rock outcrops, sparse forests, burnt areas, agricultural land, urban areas, lakes. A map of the land cover of the park was created. For the assessment and mapping of ES we used assessment matrix. It contained 31 ecosystem services types for each type of land cover assessment. Related to provisioning, regulating and cultural ES groups, each intersection was given a point from 0 to 5. Based on these maps and matrix, the assessment maps were put together for each ES group. Versatility is the main advantage of this approach: the use of the International Classification of land cover types and standard matrix of ES allow to make rapid assessment of the ES and compare different territories. However, for specific management decisions more detailed studies of а territory are required, such as creation of high-scaled landscape maps and addition of specific criteria to the assessment ES matrix.
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Istomina E.A., 
Luzhkova N.M., 
(2017) Mapping of the ecosystem services in Zabaikalskiy National Park. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(7), pp. 38-46. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-925-7-38-46
Publication History
Received: 09.01.2017
Accepted: 21.03.2017
Published: 18.08.2017


2017 July DOI: