ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
1. Drozdova K.K. Jekosistemnye uslugi na territorii Pskovskoj oblasti [Ecosystem services on the area of Pskovskaya oblast] [Electronic resource]. URL: |
2. Istomina E., Luzhkova N., Khidekel V. Planning of the infrastructure of Birdwatching tourism of The “Ria Formosa” Natural Park (Portugal) using landscape-interpretative mapping method. Geography and Natural Resources, 2016, no. 4, pp. 182–190. DOI: 10.21782/GiPR0206-1619-2016-4(182-190). |
3. Pojasnitel’naja zapiska o rezul’tatah proektirovanija meroprijatij po ohrane, zashhite i vosproizvodstvu lesov na territorii lesnichestva «Zabajkal’skij nacional’nyj park» [Explanatory note on the results of designing of measures for the protection and re. Voronezh: 2015, 103 p. |
4. Bastian O., Grunewald K., Khoroshev A. The significance of geosystem and landscape concepts for the assessment of ecosystem services: exemplified in a case study in Russia. Landscape Ecology, 2015, no. 30(7), pp. 1145–1164. |
5. Burkhard B., Kandziora M., Hou Y., Müller F. (2014) Ecosystem Service Potentials, Flows and Demands – Concepts for Spatial Localisation, Indication and Quantification. Landscape Online, Volume 34, no. 1, pp. 1–32. |
6. Burkhard B., Kroll F., Müller F., Windhorst W. (2009) Landscapes’ capacities to provide ecosystem services – a concept for land-cover based assessments. Landscape Online, no. 15, pp. 1–22. |
7. Correspondence between Corine Land Cover classes and ecosystem types. URL: |
8. (2015) Ecosystem Services – Concept, Methods and Case Studies. Еds.: K. Grunewald, O. Bastian. Springer, 312 p. |
9. Palomo I., Martın-Lopez B., Potschin M., Haines-Young R., Montes C. (2013) National Parks, buffer zones and surrounding lands: Mapping ecosystem service flows. Ecosystem Services, Volume 4, pp. 104–116. |
10. Vanteeva V.J., Solodyankina S.V. (2015) Ecosystem function of steppe landscapes near Lake Baikal. Hacquetia, Volume 14, no. 1, pp. 65–78. |
(2017) Mapping of the ecosystem services in Zabaikalskiy National Park. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(7), pp. 38-46. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-925-7-38-46 |