1 Abdullin R.K.
2 Shikhov A.N.

Perm State National Research University

The article describes a method of synthetic mapping of severe weather events at a regional scale level (on example of Perm Region). On its basis the maps of climatic extremes frequency and prevalent types of severe weather events are created for the first time. Using the weighted numerical score method, we have identified the area of maximum frequency of climatic extremes occurrence within Perm region. It is located in the mountainous region of Northern Urals. Also, a significant frequency of climatic extremes is typical in the southern part of the region. The area of minimum climatic extremes frequency is located near the Kama Reservoir. When performing this calculation, we took into account the approximate severity of each type of climatic extreme. Territory zoning according to prevailing types of severe weather events was carried out in two different methods. There are expert method and spatial cluster analysis. The zoning results, produced using the two methods, are characterized by a high degree of similarity. In both methods the similar areas of high frequency of heavy rainfall and snowfall, severe frosts and heatwaves occurrence were identified. The differences between zoning results are insignificant. This demonstrates the possibility of automated zoning method based on cluster analysis.
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Abdullin R.K., 
Shikhov A.N., 
(2017) Synthetic mapping of hazardous meteorological phenomena at the regional scale level. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(8), pp. 39-48. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-926-8-39-48
Publication History
Received: 11.01.2017
Accepted: 04.04.2017
Published: 17.09.2017


2017 August DOI: