1 Lazareva O.S.
2 Shalaeva M.V.
3 Shekotilova S.N.
4 Shekotilov V.G.

Tver State Technical University


Volzhskiy Pekar, PJSC


Marshal G.K. Zhukov Military Air-and-Space Defense Academy


Tver-Cadastre, Ltd

There was a discrepancy found between the practice of identification of the soldiers who went missing in action during the Great Patriotic War and also the reburied ones and the possibilities of automated processing of the war and post-war archive documents using modern information technology. Using the practical application of the mix of technologies of the databases, geographic information systems and the Internet as an example there is a possibility demonstrated to establish the destiny of a soldier who was considered missing in action. As far as the GIS technologies are concerned the methods of forming the atlas of rastre electronic maps and vector maps with the data from the archive sources have been the most significant. The atlas of raster electronic maps of the Great Patriotic War period for the Kalinin Battle Front and the 30th army which was formed in the process of research has been registered in Rospatent in the form of database. The functionality of the research was provided by applying various programming means: professional GIS, the programs of integrating cartographic data from various sources, geoportals, information systems «the Memory of the nation» and «Memorial».
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4.   Lazarev O.E., Shalaeva M.V., Shekotilova S.N., Shekotilov V.G. (2015) Soviet and German maps of the Great Patriotic War in the Geoportal of archival maps XVIII-XX centuries. Geodezia i Kartografia, (6), pp. 27-33. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2015-900-6-27-33.
5.   Lazarev O.E., Shalaeva M.V., Shekotilova S.N., Shekotilov V.G. (2015) Adapting into GIS archival maps of the Volga provinces mapped by A.I. Mende. Geodezia i Kartografia, (7), pp. 42-51. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2015-901-7-42-51.
Lazareva O.S., 
Shalaeva M.V., 
Shekotilova S.N., 
Shekotilov V.G., 
(2017) Databases, GIS and Internet technologies with the purpose of identifying the soldiers who went missing in action in the Great Patriotic War. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(8), pp. 49-58. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-926-8-49-58
Publication History
Received: 18.04.2017
Accepted: 20.06.2017
Published: 17.09.2017


2017 August DOI: