1 Mehdiyev J.T.

Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

It is noted that non-stability of slopes is determined by different interrelated spatial, geological and hydrological processes. To study the landslide areas both the qualitative and quantitative methods are used. The qualitative methods include the maps of land plots prone to landslides and the quantitative ones include maps of landslide hazards where the probability of happening of such processes are noted. The considered cases where the probability of occurrence of landslide is known with some degree of accuracy on the basis of previous experience or statistical data and the accurate determination of impact of any factor on probability of occurrence of the process is required. One of methods of quantitative estimates of probability of landslide is the logistic regression models. In the article the possibility for utilization of inverse task of logit analysis for research of weight of factors leading to landslides are analyzed. Such factors include aspect, steepness, density of vegetation, elevation of site, density of lineaments etc. It is shown that the method of logit analysis, frequently used for determination of probability of occurrence of different natural calamities including landslides also can be used for solution of inverse tasks, especially for determination of weight factors upon presence of data on other used parameters.
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Mehdiyev J.T., 
(2017) Questions on inverse application of method of logit-analysis for predioction of weight of factors causing landslides. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(9), pp. 60-63. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-927-9-60-63
Publication History
Received: 07.09.2016
Accepted: 22.12.2016
Published: 19.10.2017


2017 September DOI: