1 Kargashin P.E.
2 Prasolova A.I.
3 Chistov S.V.

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

The authors describe the present day state of environmental mapping as a discipline for master study. Here the key requirements for teaching and some perspectives are shown. In the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics (Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov MSU) two disciplines concerning to the environmental mapping are taught. The first one is “General Principles of Environmental Mapping” and the second one is “Environmental Mapping for Petroleum Industry”. Here the content of each course and some issues of its practical application are described.
1.   Bozhilina E. А., Svatkova T. G., Chistov S. V. Ekologogeograficheskoe kartografirovanie [Environmental mapping]. Moscow: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1999, 84 p.
2.   B. I. Kochurov, D. Yu. Shishkina, А. V. Аntipova, S. K. Kostovska Geoehkologicheskoe kartografirovanie: ucheb. posobie dlya stud. uchrezhdenij vyssh. prof. obrazovaniya [Geoecological mapping: the textbook for students of institutions of higher education]. ed. B. I. Kochurov. Moscow: Izdatel’skij tsentr «Аkademiya», 2012, 224 p.
3.   Komedchikov N. N., Lyutyj A. A. Ehkologiya Rossii v kartah. Annotirovannyj bibliograficheskij ukazatel' kart i atlasov. [Ecology of Russia in maps. An annotated bibliography of maps and atlases]. Moscow: Institut geografii RAN, 1995, 559 p.
4.   Kompleksnoe ehkologicheskoe kartografirovanie (Geograficheskij aspekt). Pod red. N.S. Kasimova.Ucheb. posobie , M.: MGU, 1997, 147 p.
5.   Makarov V. Z., Novakovsky B. A., Chumachenko A. N. Ekologo-geograficheskoe kartografirovanie gorodov [Ecological-geographical mapping of cities]. Moscow: Nauchnyj mir, 2002, 176 p.
6.   Sturman V.I. Ehkologicheskoe kartografirovanie: Ucheb. posobie. M.: Aspekt Press, 2003, 251 p.
Kargashin P.E., 
Prasolova A.I., 
Chistov S.V., 
(2017) Environmental mapping: disciplines for master study. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (), pp. 106-114. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-106-114