ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
1. Azimov E. G., Schukin A. N. Novyj slovar’ metodicheskikh terminov i ponyatij (teoriya i praktika obucheniya yazykam) [A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language training)]. Moscow: Publishing IKАR, 2009, |
2. Berlyant A. M., Lurie I. K., Tutubalina O. V., Chalova E. R. Kontseptsiya universitetskogo innovatsionnogo geografo-kartograficheskogo obrazovaniya [The concept of University innovation geographic-cartographic education]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Series 5, Geography, 2009, no. 2, pp. 6–12. |
3. Vzaimodejstvie kartografii i geoinformatiki [The interaction of cartography and geoinformatics]. еd. А. М. Berlyant, О. R. Мusin. Moscow: Publishing Scientific world, 2000, 192 p. |
4. Geografiya, obshchestvo, okruzhayushchaya sreda. ed. Berlyant A. M., Knizhnikov Yu. F.. Moscow: Publishing House Gorodets, 2004, Vol. Tom VII. Kartografiya, geoinformatika i aerokosmicheskoye zondirovaniye, 624 p. |
5. Portal Federal’nykh gosudarstvennykh obrazovatel’nykh standartov vysshego obrazovaniya [The portal of the Federal state educational standards of higher education]. URL: |
6. Salishhev K. A. Geograficheskaya kartografiya — termin, ponyatie, zadachi [Geographic mapping — a term, concept, objectives]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Series, Geography, 1979, no. 2, pp. 3–9. |
7. Universitetskaya shkola geograficheskoj kartografii. K 100-letiyu professora K. А. Salishheva [University school of geographical cartography. The 100th anniversary of Professor K. A. Salishhev]. Pod redakciej A. M. Berlyanta. Moscow: Publishing Aspect Press, 2005, 270 p. |
(2017) University cartographic education in an era of change. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (), pp. 4-15. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-4-15 |