1 Ganiyeva S.A.
2 Tanirverdiyev C.G.
3 Abbasova S.M.

Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction


Committe on real estate and land cadastre of Azerbaijan Republic


Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Satellite images of high and super high resolution make it possible utilization of these images for purpose of cadastre measurements. Preprocessing of satellite data include also carrying out of ortho-rectification operation which does mean removal of geometric distortions occurred due tosensors orientation and the relief non-evennes. It is shown that curves of distribution of measurements error on number of land plots developed on the basis of such satellite data as CARTOSAT-2and GEO-EYEcan be characterized using unique limitation condition. The optimization task taking into account the said limitation condition and allowing to calculate the total amount of error of serial satellite measurements with increasing number of studied land plots is formulated. The solution of formulated optimization task does show that upon such organization of serial measurements utilization of else more geometric resolution make it possible to achieve the minimum total error of cadastre measurements.
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Ganiyeva S.A., 
Tanirverdiyev C.G., 
Abbasova S.M., 
(2018) Questions on optimization of cadastre measurements using the satellite images of super high resolution. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(1), pp. 43-46. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-931-1-43-46
Publication History
Received: 29.08.2017
Accepted: 04.12.2017
Published: 20.02.2018


2018 January DOI: