1 Naprasnikova E.V.
2 Istomina E.A.

Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS

Presented are the isolines maps for the distribution of inhomogeneous values of acid-alkaline medium and biochemical activity levels of soils in the industrial city of Bratsk in the settings of Eastern Siberia. The maps were constructed from point measurements in the geoinformation environment by the IDW Nearest Neighbors method. The soil biochemical activity was analyzed by using the proximate method according to T. V. Aristovskaya and M. V. Chugunova. It is shown that the activity of urban soils varies from strong to moderate. The soils with high activity occupy 75,3 % of the total area of the city. The acid-alkaline conditions of soils are transformed considerably toward the alkaline side. On the hole, the alkaline and highly alkaline soils occupy 96% of the territory. A high level of soil biochemical activity has been revealed. This study deals with the transformation of nitrogen-containing organic compounds leading to a loss of biogenic nitrogen by the soil.
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Naprasnikova E.V., 
Istomina E.A., 
(2018) Investigation and mapping of the ecological-biochemical state of soils in the city of Bratsk. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(5), pp. 20-26. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-935-5-20-26
Publication History
Received: 13.02.2018
Accepted: 24.04.2018
Published: 20.06.2018


2018 May DOI: