1 Chekalin V.F.
2 Kuzmin G. V.
3 Shishanov A. V.

The Research Institute of Accuracy Devices

The article deals with mathematical model of residual errors, arising at the space images processing, received through the space optical and electronic observation systems. From the analysis of conditions of their emerging it was found, that errors in georeferencing and in the interior geometry of the space image are the basic components of this model. Considering the basic regulations known through theorems by Kotelnikov and Shannon represented in the signal theory, borders of confidence interval of measurements errors digital image were defined. Basing upon ascertained type of mathematical model of residual errors the final accuracy of processing modern space images was forecast. The predicted values’ errors at creating final cartographic products of processing home- and foreign made space photographs were tabulated. The assessment of their indicators was made. The principal causes of the arising divergence between theoretical estimates of the accuracy of measuring the digital images and the practical results were defined. Recommendation for improving the metrological provision of the Russian data was given.
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Chekalin V.F., 
Kuzmin G. V., 
Shishanov A. V., 
(2018) Assessment of metrical property of images space system observation. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(6), pp. 37-42. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-936-6-37-42
Publication History
Received: 06.02.2018
Accepted: 07.05.2018
Published: 20.07.2018


2018 June DOI: