ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
1. Razrabotka promyshlennoj tehnologii sozdaniya tsifrovoj informatsii o mestnosti po kosmicheskim snimkam s avtomaticheskim deshifrirovaniem ob#ektov mestnosti i ispol'zovaniem jekspertnyh sistem. Nauch.-tehn. otchjot po teme OKR «Tsifra-KR». Moskva: AO NII TP, 2014, 115 p. |
2. Baklanov A. I. Novye tendentsii v kosmicheskih sistemah DZZ vysokogo razresheniya: Materialy nauch.-tehn. konf. «Optiko-jelektronnye pribory i kompleksy» (19–20 oktyabrya 2017). Krasnogorsk: Obshchestvennaya nauch.-tehn. akademiya, 2017, pp. 19. |
3. Dubinovskij V. B. Kalibrovka snimkov. Moskva: Ned- ra, 1982, 224 p. |
4. Principles of errors theory and cartographic applications. Aeronautical Chart and Information Center Tr-96, Technical report NO 96, February 1962, Printed June, 1968. Property of DMAAC Technical Library.. |
5. Shannon C. E. (1949) Communication in the presence of noise. Proc., Institute of Radio Engineers. Volume 37, no. 1, pp. 10–21. |
(2018) Assessment of metrical property of images space system observation. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(6), pp. 37-42. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-936-6-37-42 |