1 Verdiyev S. B.

Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

The possibility to use multi-wavelength regime of total stations operation for making surveys under heavy aerosol atmosphere pollution is researched. The actuality of single- and multi-wavelength regimes rational choice under heavy aerosol atmosphere pollution is grounded. The task on researching the matter of operational regime choice for total stations is formulated. The method for solution of the formulated task is suggested. The theoretical modelling and experimental researches are held to formulate the criterion for choice of single- or multi-wavelength regimes. The practical recommendations for such a choice are formulated. The practical recommendations are formulated for choice of measurements regime. According to formulated recommendations if a single-wavelength total station operates in the field of longer wavelengths (R) of visible band and a three-wavelengths one operates with bias to shorter (B, G, R) wavelengths, the single-wavelength total station should be preferred. But if the single-wavelength total station operates in the field of shorter wavelengths (B) and the three-wavelengths one operates with bias to longer wavelengths (B, G, R) then the multi-wavelengths total station should be preferred. The recommendation described in this article are relevant for both the regimes of measurements with- and without reflector and can be useful for users of total stations.
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Verdiyev S. B., 
(2018) Choice of Optimum Operational Regime for Total Stations upon Making Geodetic Surveys under Heavy Aerosol Atmosphere Pollution. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(8), pp. 12-19. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-938-8-12-19
Publication History
Received: 09.04.2018
Accepted: 16.07.2018
Published: 20.09.2018


2018 August DOI: