ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
1. Bogdanets E. S., Cheremuhina O. O. Izuchenie protsessov deformatsij s ispol'zovaniem avtomatizirovannoj sistemy monitoringa. URL: |
2. Voroshilov A. L. Izmerenie osadok zdanij i sooruzhenij jelektronnymi taheometrami. Vestn. JuzhnoUral'skogo gosudarstvennogo un-ta. Seriya: Stroitel'stvo i arhitektura, 2005, no. 13, pp. 38–41. |
3. Demtreder V. Sovremennaya lazernaya spektroskopiya. Dolgoprudnyj: Izd. dom «Intellekt», 2014, 1071 p. |
4. Chernyavtsev A. A. Obzor bezotrazhatel'nyh jelektronnyh taheometrov, predlagaemyh ZAO «GEOSTROJIZYSKANIYa». URL: |
5. Ganesh K. E., Umesh T. K., Narasimhamurthy B. (2011) Atmospheric turbidityover a continental Station Mysore, India. Indian Journal of Radioand Space Physics, no. 40, pp. 85–94. |
6. Grabner M., Kvicera V. (2011) Thewavelength dependent model ofextinctionin fogandhazefor frees paceoptical communication, 14 February 2011, 19, 4/ OPTICS EXPRESS 3379. pp. 19–26. |
7. Lemmens M. Totalstations: the Surveyors Workhorse. Features, statusand Trends. URL: |
8. Mazalova J., Valentova K., Vlgkova L. (2010) Testing of accuracy of reflectorless distance measurement of selected leica and Topcon total stations. Geoscience Engineering. LVI. no. 1, pp. 19–26. URL: |
(2018) Choice of Optimum Operational Regime for Total Stations upon Making Geodetic Surveys under Heavy Aerosol Atmosphere Pollution. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(8), pp. 12-19. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-938-8-12-19 |