1 Vinogradov A.V.
2 Voytenko A.V.
3 Petrov S.N.

Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin

Russian regulation documents permit using telescopic rods made of duralumin for III and IV class leveling. The authors provided information from the leveling instruction on the need to perform metrological testing the rods before work and during the measurements. The article focuses on two most important checkouts: to determine random errors in decimeter intervals and find the deviation of 1 meter interval from the nominal value. The authors say that in modern papers there is little information on simple methods of examining levelling rods separately from the digital level. The authors report that the average coefficient of duralumin linear expansion is 4 times greater than that of wood. The authors propose introducing temperature corrections in excess when making III and IV class leveling. These corrections are caused by the difference in temperature of the duralumin rods during the research and measurements. A method for checking the decimeter intervals of the Trimble leveling rods’ bar-code scale using a special control ruler is proposed. The authors gave the results of determining the errors in decimeter intervals and gave errors for intervals of 1 meter in length of bar-code rods. There is a conclusion of the authors on the suitability of the investigated telescopic rails for the IV class leveling. The authors have suggested that the rods can be used to level III class as well. It is necessary to develop a methodology for accounting for the systematic component of the error in the length of the basis of their code.
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Vinogradov A.V., 
Voytenko A.V., 
Petrov S.N., 
(2018) Checking Decimeter Intervals of the Trimble Levelling Rods’ Bar-Code Scale. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(8), pp. 2-11. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-938-8-2-11