1 Oznamets V.V.

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

The rational allocation of resources is the basis for sustainable development of the territories. In reality, spatial planning often does not have clear information for decision- making. This factor puts the task of allocating resources under fuzzy information. The author suggests such a placement method. The basis for the solution and analysis is a well-known model of the informational situation. The author develops this concept and introduces a new one, of the informational spatial situation. Fuzzy spatial information makes grounds to introduce a new concept of fuzzy information situation. A comparative analysis is used to solve the problem. At the first stage of the solution, an ideal reference information situation is introduced. This model can not be realized in reality completely. Real conditions differ from ideal ones, therefore in practice there is a set of fuzzy information situations, each of which is close to the reference information situation for a number of factors. For the comparative analysis, the theory of fuzzy sets is applied. The author uses the concepts of linguistic variables and membership functions to describe an unclear information situation. Linguistic variables and membership functions determine for the whole set of fuzzy situations are determined. This approach translates the description of real fuzzy situations into the area of linguistic variables. A new description of fuzzy situations makes it possible to perform analysis using the theory of fuzzy sets. The analysis using the theory of fuzzy sets showed how a situation that maximally satisfies the placement requirements is singled out from a given set. The author proves that optimal solutions do not apply to fuzzy analysis, and that the solution obtained using the theory of fuzzy sets is rational.
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Oznamets V.V., 
(2018) Situational solution of the spatial location problem. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(9), pp. 45-51. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-939-9-45-51
Publication History
Received: 27.02.2018
Accepted: 30.08.2018
Published: 20.10.2018


2018 September DOI: