1 Sizov A.P.

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

Application of mathematical statistics methods as a possibility of implementing the principle of “minimum initial information – maximum justified generalizations” when analyzing the results of Supervisory and control measures in land management makes it possible to come to non-trivial conclusions. Significant correlation between indicators of state land supervision and General characteristics of the subjects of the Siberian Federal district (area, number and population density) were identified. High number of the eliminated violations is possible only at a large number of the revealed violations, but just 35–45 % of the revealed violations are eliminated in 33% of the general number of the areas with the revealed violations. The Amount of fines imposed is closely correlated with the amount of fines collected (r = 0,95) with a low – 65 % share of the money gathered. The role of fines for violating land legislation is not decisive in the formation of the SFD subjects’ budgets. Indicators of state land supervision closely connected with the area of land settlements, this data is system-forming in the eliminating land law violations. In proportion to the availability of these lands revenues to local budgets are formed as well. To increase the effectiveness of state land supervision as to the number of eliminated violations, the area of land with eliminated violations and the amount of fines collected, it is necessary to focus on bringing cases for each violation to a logical conclusion.
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Sizov A.P., 
(2019) The experience of using mathematical statistics methods when analyzing the results of state land supervision. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 80(10), pp. 55-64. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2019-952-10-55-64
Publication History
Received: 13.05.2019
Accepted: 11.07.2019
Published: 20.11.2019


2019 October DOI: