ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
1. Vshivkova O. V., Markuze Yu. I., Neiman Yu. M., Reshetilo S. Yu., Yambaev Kh. K. Aprobatsiya algoritma realizatsii kombinirovannogo sposoba ucheta vliyaniya refraktsii na rezul'taty trigonometricheskogo nivelirovaniya. Estestvennye i tekhnicheskie nauki, 2018, no. 12, pp. 227–232. |
2. Dement'ev V. E. Refraktsiya i mirazhi. Moskva: OOO «Galleya – Print», 2009, 391 p. |
3. Izotov A.A., Pellinen L.P. Issledovanie zemnoj refrakcii i metodov geodezicheskogo nivelirovaniya. Tr. CNIIGAiK, M.: Geodezizdat, 1955, 102. 176 p. |
4. Ostrovskij A.L. Dostizheniya i zadachi refraktometrii. Geoprofi, 2008, no. 1, pp. 6–15. |
5. Al-Kherayef O., Valchinov V., Grebenitcharsky R., Valcheva S., Al-Muslmani B., Al-Rubaia U. (2018) Refraction coefficient determination and modelling for the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In Proceedings of the FIG Congress Embracing our smart world where the continents connect: Enhancing the geospatial maturity of societies, Istanbul. |
6. Angus-Leppan P. V. (1969) Surface effects on refraction in precise levelling. Conference on Refraction Effects in Geodesy & Conference on Electronic Distance Measurement 5-8 Nov. 1968, New South Wales (Australia), Univ. of N. S. W. pp. 74-89. |
7. Bahnert G. (1989) Ergebnisse geodatischer Refraktionsbestimmungen. Vermessungstechnik, Volume 37, no. 11, pp. 381–382. |
8. Brunner F. K. (1978) Experimental determination of the coefficients of refraction from heat flux measurements. Proceedings of the Int. Symp. Electromagn. Distance Meas. And Influence Atmos. Refract. Wageningen, 1977, Delft. pp. 245–260. |
9. Gaifillia D., Pagounis V., Tsakiri M., Zacharis V. (2016) Empirical Modelling of Refraction Error in Trigonometric Heighting Using Meteorological Parameters. Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics, Volume 4, no. 1, pp. 8–14. DOI: 10.12691/jgg-4-1-2. |
10. Kukkamaki T. I. (1939) Verbesserung der Horisontalen Winkelmessunden Weden der Seiten-refraktion. Des Finischen Gedatischen Institutes. Helsinki. 18 p. |
(2019) Сombined method of determining vertical refraction correction for electronic tacheometry. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 80(11), pp. 15-21. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2019-953-11-15-21 |