1 Dementiev D.V.
2 Zhukov I.M.
3 Karavanov M.Y.
4 Ranov I.I.
5 Litvinov N.Yu.

Geodesy-and-Constructing, Group of Companies


Business Telecom-Import, LLC


Trimble Export Ltd


Moscow State University of Civil Engineering


Center of Geodesy, Cartography and SDI

Classical methods for determining refraction are based on Newton’s formulae for a statically stable atmosphere. However, they do not provide the required measurement accuracy due to random changes in refraction, caused by the influence of atmospheric turbulence. The aim of this work is to study the dynamic method for determining refraction in a turbulent atmosphere. The measurements were performed with a Trimble S9 total station. It was found out, that within a few seconds the angle of vertical refraction can change by dozens of arc seconds. To improve the accuracy of the results, it is necessary to determine the refraction instantly for a specific moment of observation and for a particular path, otherwise the obtained corrections will not correspond to the real angle of refraction. The introduction of a dynamic method for determining refraction requires more extensive experimental studies under various observation conditions. In the case of confirmation of the high accuracy of the dynamic method for determining the fraction, significant prospects open up for taking refraction into account and developing new more effective measuring instruments in a turbulent atmosphere.
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Dementiev D.V., 
Zhukov I.M., 
Karavanov M.Y., 
Ranov I.I., 
Litvinov N.Yu., 
(2019) Vertical refraction determination using a Trimble S9 total station. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 80(12), pp. 2-9. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2019-954-12-2-9