1 Kadochnikov A.A.

Institute of Computational Modelling SB RAS

Today, remote sensing data are an important source of operational information about the environment for thematic GIS, this data can be used for the development of water, forestry and agriculture management, in the ecology and nature management, with territorial planning, etc. To solve the problem of ensuring the effective use of the space activities’results in the Krasnoyarsk Territory a United Regional Remote Sensing Center was created. On the basis of the Center, a new satellite receiving complex of FRC KSC SB RAS was put into operation. It is currently receiving satellite data from TERRA, AQUA, Suomi NPP and FENG-YUN satellites. Within the framework in cooperation with the Siberian Regional Center for Remote Sensing the Earth, an archive of satellite data from domestic Resource-P and Meteor-M2 satellites was created. The work considers some features of softwaredevelopment and technological support tools for loading, processing and publishing remote sensing data. The product is created in the service-oriented paradigm based on geoportal technologies and interactive web-cartography. The focus in this article is paid to the peculiarities of implementing the software components of the web GIS, the efficient processing and presentation of geospatial data.
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Kadochnikov A.A., 
(2019) Application of geoinformation technologies for arranging a satellite monitoring system. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 80(1), pp. 110-118. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2019-943-1-110-118
Publication History
Received: 03.08.2018
Accepted: 06.12.2018
Published: 20.02.2019


2019 January DOI: