1 Kosikov A.G.
2 Golubeva E.I.
3 Seliverstov Y.G.
4 Semin V.N.
5 Ushakova L.A.
6 Kharkovets E.G.

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

The authors describe the results of the research’s initial stage devoted to developing a multidimensional space-time model of the Arctic region, viewed as a voluminous area of space north of the northern latitude’s 60th degree, as well as new methods and tools necessary for the formation and functioning of this model. An idea of the nature and properties of the developed model is given. The substantive and logical structure of the model data, location of the sources for the most important characterizing features of the arctic areas; data coordination; methods and software; model building, projecting and integration of thematic data; modification and analysis of digital models, methods of reproduction and design options of virtual models geoimages are discussed. The article gives the examples of the model’s geoimages visualization. The research relevance and importance for the implementation of innovative approaches to the study, development and environmental management of the Arctic are highlighted.
The studies are carried out with the support of the RFBR and the Russian Geographical Society for the RFBR project No. 17-05-41173 RGO_a “Development of the Arctic region ultrahigh resolution multidimensional space-time model”.
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Kosikov A.G., 
Golubeva E.I., 
Seliverstov Y.G., 
Semin V.N., 
Ushakova L.A., 
Kharkovets E.G., 
(2019) Arctic digital model. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 80(1), pp. 34-42 . (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2019-943-1-34-42