1 Chekalin V.F.
2 Sukhov A.A.

The Research Institute of Accuracy Devices

The article deals with modern photogrammetric production’s problems appearing at processing the Russian Earth remote sensing data. It is found out that todaythe main of them consists in the absence till now of the working system fortransferring linear and angular measures from national standard to the workingmeasuring devices. The necessity of creating a three-staged calibration scheme, which would guarantee the highest accuracy and stability of operating on-board measuring equipment, is justified. In addition, it is noted, that the existing technology of Earth remote sensing data processing does notprovide correct using of calibrated metrological parameters of the measuring equipment. The suggestions for eliminating that imperfection are given. The essence of the flight calibration principle foron-board equipment is formulated. The necessary list of the surveying systems’ metrological parameters and target equipment is defined.
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Chekalin V.F., 
Sukhov A.A., 
(2019) On the problems of calibrating Russian measuring devices on the satellites for remote sensing the Earth. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 80(6), pp. 39-47. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2019-948-6-39-47
Publication History
Received: 01.11.2018
Accepted: 08.05.2019
Published: 20.07.2019


2019 June DOI: