1 Loginov D.S.

Pangea, JSC

The features of cartographic supporting geophysical research at the present stage of cartography and exploration geophysics development are discussed. The current situation and prospects of using GIS and web technologies are characterized basing on the analysis of scientific and industrial experience of domestic and foreign public as well as private geological and geophysical organizations. The analysis was performed at key stages of geophysical research, including the analysis of geological and geophysical studying the work area, designing geophysical works, field works, processing and interpretation of geophysical observations results, compilation of reporting materials, as well as the accumulation and storage of information. The examples of modern geoportals that provide quick access to geological and geophysical infor-mation in various forms of presentation, including cartographic data, are presented in article. The conclusions and recommendations were formulated according to results of the study. They are aimed at improving the efficiency of cartographic supporting geophysical research and the development of inter-sectoral interaction between cartography and geophysics.
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Loginov D.S., 
(2019) Cartographic support of geophysical research: current situation and prospects. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 80(8), pp. 32-44. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2019-950-8-32-44
Publication History
Received: 06.03.2019
Accepted: 27.06.2019
Published: 20.09.2019


2019 August DOI: