1 Zabavnikov V.V.
2 Kobiakov A.N.
3 Kovalev S.V.

Information City, SFI of Moscow


Map Expert, Ltd

Informational and analytical studying patent documentation shows the patenting situation either in general in a specific technological area or the patent activity of innovation entities, taking temporal dynamics and the territorial basis into account. Patent-information investigation was carried out in order to get acquainted with the level of photogrammetry technology development and determine its current application areas. Statistical and intellectual patent document text analysis was the basis for relevant data array grouped in 8680 patent families’ creation. The prepared report contains a graphical display of selected patent documents array, related to research topic, analytical and statistical processing. The level of inventive activity was assessed; the world patenting dynamics and location in this technical field were considered. The main groups on the International Patent Classification, as well as the main technological directions, where technical solutions related to the object of study to be patented, are identified. Information on the leading applicants/ patent holders in this technical field is provided; the list of the most cited patent documents is considered.
1.   Abdrakhmanova G. I., Vishnevskii K. O., Gokhberg L. M., Dem’yanova A. V., Kevesh M. A. et al. Indikatory tsifrovoi ekonomiki: 2019. Statisticheskii sbornik. Moskva: NIU VShE, 2019, 248 p.
2.   Akoev M. A., Markusova V. A., Moskaleva O. V., Pislyakov V. V. Rukovodstvo po naukometrii: indikatory razvitiya nauki i tekhnologii. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural. un-ta, 2014, 250 p.
3.   Zinchenko O. N. Bespilotnye letatel'nye apparaty: primenenie v tselyakh aerofotos"emki dlya kartografirovaniya. URL: http://www.racurs.ru/?page=681 (accessed: 30.04.2019).
4.   Karmanov A. G. Fotogrammetriya: Ucheb. posobie. SPb.: Un-t ITMO, 2012, 171 p.
5.   Kol'tsov S. N., Kol'tsova O. Yu., Mitrofanova O. A., Shimorina A. S. Interpretatsiya semanticheskikh svyazei v tekstakh russkoyazychnogo segmenta Zhivogo Zhurnala na osnove tematicheskoi modeli LDA. Tr. XVII Vseros. ob"edinen. konf. «Internet i sovremennoe obshchestvo» (Sankt-Peterburg, 19–20 noyabrya 2014): Sb. nauch. statei, SPb.: Sankt-Peterburgskii natsional'nyi issledovatel'skii universitet informatsionnykh tekhnologii, mekhaniki i optiki, 2014, pp. 135–142.
6.   Krasnopevtsev B. V. Osnovnye sobytiya v istorii fotogrammetrii v 19 i 20 vekakh [online]. URL: http://bvkras.narod.ru/HistoryFGM/HistoryFGM1.htm (accessed: 08.05.2019).
7.   Nazarov A. S. Fotogrammetriya: Ucheb. posobie dlya studentov vuzov. Minsk: TetraSistems, 2006, 368 p.
8.   Tekhnologii blokchein. Sovremennoe sostoyanie i klyuchevye insaity. URL: https://www1.fips.ru/vse-uslugi/patent-analytics/report-blockchain.pdf (accessed: 30.04.2019).
9.   Guidelines for Preparing Patent Landscape Reports. URL: www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/en/wipo_pub_946.pdf (accessed: 23.05.2019).
10.   Introduction to Photogrammetry. URL: www.gisresources.com (accessed: 16.05.2019).
11.   Luhmann T., Robson S., Kyle S., Harley I. (2006) Close Range Photogrammetry. Principles, techniques and applications. Whittles Publishing. 57 p.
12.   Remondino F., Barazzetti L., Nex F., Scaioni M., Sarazzi D. (2011) UAV photogrammetry for mapping and 3D modeling. Current status and future perspectives. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Volume XXXVIII-1/C22.
13.   Zietara A. (2017) Creating Digital Elevation Model (DEM) based on ground points extracted from classified aerial images obtained from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Norwegian University of Science and Technology. 92 p.
Zabavnikov V.V., 
Kobiakov A.N., 
Kovalev S.V., 
(2019) Patent-information investigation in the field of photogrammetry. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 80(9), pp. 25-39. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2019-951-9-25-39
Publication History
Received: 16.05.2019
Accepted: 22.07.2019
Published: 20.10.2019


2019 September DOI: