1 Bilan V.I.
2 Grigor’ev A.N.
3 Dmitrikov G.G.
4 Dudin E.A.

Military Space academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky (MSА named after A.F. Mozhaisky)

The direction of research on the development of a scientific and methodological tool for the analysis of spatial objects in order to determine their generalized spatial parameters was selected. An approach to the problem of modeling networks and groups of objects based on the synthesis of a weighted graph is proposed. The spatial configuration of objects based on the given conditions is described by a weighted graph, the edge length of which is considered as the weight of the edges. A generalization to the typical structure of a spatial graph is formulated; its essence is representation of nodal elements as two-dimensional (polygonal) objects. To take into account the restrictions on the convergence of the vertices described by the buffer zones, a complementary graph is formed. An algorithm for constructing the implementation of a spatial object based on the sequential determination of vertices that comply with the given conditions is proposed. Using the software implementation of the developed algorithm, an experiment was performed to evaluate the spatial parameters of the simulated objects described by typical graph structures. The following parameters were investigated as spatial ones: length, width, area and compactness of the object. As a result of the experiment, empirical laws of distributing these indicators and their statistical estimates were obtained. The analysis of the obtained results is presented and the directions of further development of the tool for the synthesis of spatial objects are formulated.
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Bilan V.I., 
Grigor’ev A.N., 
Dmitrikov G.G., 
Dudin E.A., 
(2020) Approach to spatial modeling of networks and groups of objects on the basis of the weighted graph construction procedure. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 81(10), pp. 49-58. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2020-964-10-49-58