1 Barabanova S.N.

Russian Geographical Society

The article puts the fi rst hand-written original of Northern Urals Ethno-Geographic Map by A. Reguli into scientifi c circulation. The circumstances of its admission to the Cartographic Fund of Russia in connection with preparation of the Ural Expedition by the Russian Geographical Society are considered. This preparation was accompanied by active gathering information on the Ural region. It was obtained from archival documents. There are some interesting facts about arranging the expedition and the interaction of the Society members, such as representatives of the RGS Ethnographic Commission with A. Reguli. The author describes the goals of Reguli’s ethnographic and philological researching in Northern Urals and the conditions of mapping this region. А detailed description of the Ethno-Geographic Map’s contents is given. The analysis of the sources used at the map compilation was performed, and the value of its further use was estimated. Information on existing projects dedicated to the scientifi c heritage of A. Reguli is provided.
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Barabanova S.N., 
(2020) Ethno-Geographic map by A. Reguli and its role in the Ural expedition of the Russian Geographical Society. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 81(10), pp. 59-64. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2020-964-10-59-64
Publication History
Received: 13.12.2019
Accepted: 01.09.2020
Published: 20.11.2020


2020 October DOI: