1 Gansvind I.N.

Geoinformation Research Centre RAS

Changes in space activities related to the practice of using small satellites are considered. The relatively low cost of development, production and launch in low Earth orbiting are explained due to transformation of small satellites into a mass product, available for using in the educational process, remote sensing, in meteorology, flight-testing new technologies, communication and internet distribution as well as space exploration. Small satellites constellations serve the need for systematic global imagery with minimal interval between observing any area of the Earth. Large constella- tions of satellites with radio-occultation equipment provide high-altitude profiles of atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity for assimilation in weather models. Small satellites will find applications beyond low earth orbits. It is planned to launch 6U CubeSat Sky Fire in the vicinity of the moon to study its surface with new infrared hardware. The projected orbit for Lunar Orbital Platform Gateway will be checked using CubeSat to meet the design requirements.
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Gansvind I.N., 
(2020) Small satellites in space activities. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 81(2), pp. 50-56. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2020-956-2-50-56
Publication History
Received: 22.07.2019
Accepted: 11.01.2019
Published: 20.03.2020


2020 February DOI: