1 Kadnichanskiy S.A.
2 Kurkov M.V.
3 Kurkov V.M.
4 Chibunichev Aleksandr

Geoscan, ltd


Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

The authors present the results of certification testing software-and-hardware complex on the basis of an unmanned aircraft (UAV) “Geoskan 401”, designed for aerial mapping. The substantiation of the need to assess the accuracy characteristics of the photogrammetric processing aerial photos results from the UAV is given. The composition of the complex, the parameters of the test site and the performed aerial photography are given, the order and method of testing are described. Assessment of the aerial triangulation accuracy, creation of a digital elevation model, digital orthophotos and coordinates of marked and unmarked characteristic points (natural contours) of land boundaries and building contours were carried out to confirm the compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents for the implementation of photogrammetric processing, maintenance of the state real estate cadastre and surveying. The values of the spatial data accuracy obtained with the help of a hardware-and-software complex confirm the possibility of using the “Geoskan 401” in real estate cadastre and surveying. Recommendations on the use of hardware and software complex for cadastral and mine surveying works are given.
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Kadnichanskiy S.A., 
Kurkov M.V., 
Kurkov V.M., 
Chibunichev Aleksandr, 
(2020) Certification testing hardware-and-software complex based on unmanned aerial vehicle “Geoscan 401”. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 81(3), pp. 32-38. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2020-957-3-32-38