1 Tsvetkov V.Ya.
2 Oznamets V.V.

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

The authors explore the littoral as a natural phenomenon using geodetic methods. Littoral is an areal object and is closely related to coastal abrasion. The abrasion destroys the coastal zone. Preventing the destruction of the coastal zone requires monitoring the littoral, forming its model and that of littoral dynamics. Littoral and dynamo models enable developing recommendations for protecting the coastal zone. Having remote sensing data only we are unable to perform littoral monitoring efficiently. It does not ensure the accuracy and relevance of the state of the coastal zone. The monitoring task can only be solved with the use of integrated geodetic support.This support includes geodetic work and the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle for monitoring the littoral. The authors explore littoral as a natural phenomenon. A new method of obtaining spatial coordinates using images obtained from UAVs is described. The essence of the methodology is determining spatial coordinates using single images. The technology includes the use of water level sensors to define the exact height of the survey. The methodology involves the use of satellite navigation equipment to determine the coordinates of the camera at the time of shooting. Special here is that the littoral boundary is a fuzzy object calculated on the basis of statistical data. The research shows that the geodetic technologies are the basis of the integrated one. The authors providethe analysis of the situation and suggest measures for monitoring the coastline.
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Tsvetkov V.Ya., 
Oznamets V.V., 
(2020) Littoral monitoring using unmanned aerial vehicle. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 81(5), pp. 2-10. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2020-959-5-2-10