1 Andronov V.G.
2 Volobuev Yu.N.
3 Chuev А.А.

Southwest State University

The authors analyze the existing ways of blurring elimination. It determines the technique and problem solving procedure of blurring correction in electro-optical scanning systems on board a spacecraft. The proposed technique is implemented at the initial stages of the survey and is based on the optimization of CCD matrix sampling rate according to the maximum of parameters dispersion of brightness image fields. In contrast to the known approaches, brightness differences of adjacent lines of survey route are values to be measured. The results of testing the technique on conditional frames of lines with different degrees of blurring obtained by distorting the signals of a real space image are presented. The authors’ new approach based on the established functional relationship between the level of blurring, survey parameters and errors of their determination was applied for the blurring simulation. The obtained results prove the possibility of reducing the initial blurring of images being formed on board a spacecraft to the magnitude of tenths of a pixel.
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Andronov V.G., 
Volobuev Yu.N., 
Chuev А.А., 
(2020) Blurring correction in the electro-optical scanning systems on board a spacecraft. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 81(5), pp. 26-34. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2020-959-5-26-34
Publication History
Received: 03.12.2019
Accepted: 30.01.2020
Published: 20.06.2020


2020 May DOI: