1 Vinogradov A.V.

Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin

Processing the results of topographic and geodetic works is performed in local coordinate systems. The parameters of the local coordinate systems were established on the basis of SK-42 or SK-63 systems. At present, it is necessary to set new communication parameters with coordinate systems SK-95 and GSK-2011. In many MCSs, the central meridians do not coincide with the origin, and the coordinates of the starting points were obtained from the catalogs of the preliminary calculation geodetic network. To establish the new communication parameters, it is necessary to determine the longitude of the central meridian MCS in SK-95 and GSK-2011 systems. To find the errors in calculating the longitude of the central meridian, MCS the models were constructed with different positions of the central meridian relative to the origin. The longitude was calculated using well-known and new formulas and methods. Errors in calculating the longitude of the MSC are systematic. An increase in the calculation volume does not exclude the influence of systematic errors, reaching 4ʺ. For some lines, they make 8ʺ.
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Vinogradov A.V., 
(2020) Determining the parameters of a local coordinate system with a non-standard longitude of the central meridian. Analysis of existing methods. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 81(6), pp. 2-12. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2020-960-6-2-12
Publication History
Received: 25.10.2019
Accepted: 04.03.2020
Published: 20.07.2020


2020 June DOI: