1 Zubov A.V.
2 Eliseeva N.N.

Saint-Petersburg Mining University

The authors describe a software suite for determining tilt degrees of tower-type structures according to ground laser scanning indication. Defining the tilt of the pipe is carried out with a set of measured data through approximating the sections by circumferences. They are constructed using one of the simplest search engine optimization methods (evolutionary algorithm). Automatic filtering the scan of the current section from distorting data is performed by the method of assessing the quality of models constructed with that of least squares. The software was designed using Visual Basic for Applications. It contains several blocks (subprograms), with each of them performing a specific task. The developed complex enables obtaining operational data on the current state of the object with minimal user participation in the calculation process. The software suite is the result of practical implementing theoretical developments on the possibilities of using search methods at solving optimization problems in geodetic practice.
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Zubov A.V., 
Eliseeva N.N., 
(2020) Software suite for determining the tilts of tower-type structures according to terrestrial laser scanning. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 81(7), pp. 2-7. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2020-961-7-2-7
Publication History
Received: 30.10.2019
Accepted: 26.05.2020
Published: 20.08.2020


2020 July DOI: