1 Tereshchenko V.E.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

The article suggests a technique for relation global kinematic reference system and local static realization of global reference system by regional continuously operated reference stations (CORS) network. On the example of regional CORS network located in the Novosibirsk Region (CORS NSO) the relation parameters of the global reference system WGS-84 and its local static realization by CORS NSO network at the epoch of fixing stations coordinates in catalog are calculated. With the realization of this technique, the main parameters to be determined are the speed of displacement one system center relativly to another and the speeds of rotation the coordinate axes of one system relatively to another, since the time evolution of most stations in the Russian Federation is not currently provided. The article shows the scale factor for relation determination of coordinate systems is not always necessary to consider. The technique described in the article also allows detecting the errors in determining the coordinates of CORS network in global coordinate system and compensate for them. A systematic error of determining and fixing the CORS NSO coordinates in global coordinate system was detected. It is noted that the main part of the error falls on the altitude component and reaches 12 cm. The proposed technique creates conditions for practical use of the advanced method Precise Point Positioning (PPP) in some regions of the Russian Federation. Also the technique will ensure consistent PPP method results with the results of the most commonly used in the Russian Federation other post-processing methods of high-precision positioning.
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Tereshchenko V.E., 
(2020) Technique for relation global reference system and local realization of global reference system by continuously operated reference stations. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 81(8), pp. 24-37. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2020-962-8-24-37
Publication History
Received: 06.12.2019
Accepted: 03.05.2020
Published: 20.09.2020


2020 August DOI: