1 Simonyan V.V.
2 Volkov V.I.

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering


Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Nowadays, the definition of landslide risks is one of the most urgent tasks for many slope areas, since landslide processes directly affect the safety of buildings, structures and, accordingly, the population. As a rule, landslide risks are determined through the methods of engineering geology. Methods of mathematical modeling for assessing the risks of slope areas solve two main tasks: assessment of the slopes stability and the dynamics of the landslide process development. The geological basis is engineering-geological sections, which are to contain the following data necessary for calculations: physical and mechanical properties of soils, calculated values of physical and strength properties rocks indicators, data on the intensity of erosion, suffusion, etc. These methods are widely used now both in our country and abroad. The authors show that landslide risks and the safety of structures can also be determined through surveying methods using geodetic monitoring. To do this, it is necessary to have the results of observations of the deformation network created on the studied slope areas, as well as buildings and structures located there. The obtained coordinates in different observation cycles enable not only studying the dynamics of landslide processes, but also determining landslide hazards and landslide vulnerabilities. Landslide hazard is defined with such indicators as slope steepness, slope height, volumes of shifting masses, landslide displacement rate and landslide vulnerability, obtained respectively through data on cracks of structures, their precipitation, horizontal movements and rolls. Their values are produced from the results of geodetic monitoring and make the basis for creating a mathematical model for assessing landslide risk or safety in slope systems. Such a mathematical model can be used for a detailed study of the landslide situation in various slope localities, as well as for development of an optimal engineering protection strategy to ensure the safety of structures in landslide-prone areas.
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Simonyan V.V., 
Volkov V.I., 
(2021) Assessment of risk and safety of structures on slope areas according to geodetic monitoring data. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 82(10), pp. 42-51. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2021-976-10-42-51
Publication History
Received: 03.08.2020
Accepted: 01.09.2021
Published: 20.11.2021


2021 October DOI: