1 Mirzekhanova Z.G.
2 Debelaia I.D.
3 Morozova G.Yu.


Urban tourism is identified as one of the main destinations of the XXI century. Its intensification is associated with overcoming the critical situation in the industry, which will require expanding the variety of tourist products. The potential opportunity for this matter will include active involvement of botanical resources in them, which will enable increasing interest for the existing projects as well as selecting the most promising ones. It is noted that vegetation cover is an integral component of all urbanized territories not used in the full volume in the tourist product of cities despite the resources’ high potential. Cartographic method is presented as the universal, informative, visual and operational-predictive one. The purpose of the study was to create a cartographic interpretation of the botanical resources potential usage for urban tourism development using the example of Khabarovsk. For the first time, a map “Objects with high potential of botanical resources for tourism development in Khabarovsk” (scale 1 : 175 000) was developed. The scientific concept is based on the possibility to expand the tourist product through the extensive use of botanical resources. The main territorial segments mapped are represented with 31 tourist sites with a high potential of the botanical resources usage, which weren’t previously taken into consideration regarding this matter. The map is multi-purposed, it is to provide information support for administrative and managerial services in the tourism overall and tourism business; serve as the foundation for organizing scientific, practical and educational research; be the source of information on the expanding the range of tourist products.
The authors are grateful to A. V. Ostrouhov for technical in preparing this article.
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Mirzekhanova Z.G., 
Debelaia I.D., 
Morozova G.Yu., 
(2021) Botanical resources usage in the tourist product of the city: cartographic vision. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 82(11), pp. 16-26. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2021-977-11-16-26
Publication History
Received: 13.04.2021
Accepted: 11.10.2021
Published: 20.12.2021


2021 November DOI: