1 Yushkin V.D.
2 Zotov L.V.
3 Basmanov A.V.
4 Sermiagin R.A.

Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University


Center of Geodesy, Cartography and SDI

The article deals with the study of changes in the values of gravitational accelerations at the Russian comparison’s sites of the absolute gravimeters “Pulkovo”, “Svetloye” and “Zvenigorod” for the years of 2007–2013. A significant increase of the values instead of the expected decrease was obtained. The authors make an attempt to reveal the reasons for that basing on the calculation of the change in the gravitational field using the Bouguer and Faye corrections. The estimates do not fully explain the phenomenon, according neither to gravimeters nor to satellite data. At the sites of “Pulkovo” and “Svetloye”, the measured changes in the values differ from the calculated ones by +5,7 and 6,6 μGal, which significantly exceeds the errors of the absolute gravimeters. The change of the gravity varies from satellites GRACE data by 9,4 μGal at the “Zvenigorod” site. This may be due to local hydrological reasons. Determining the causes of gravity changes at the absolute stations of gravity network is an urgent task.
This work was supported by grants in modern geodesy and geodynamics from the Chinese Science Foundation No. B17033, NRU HSE No. 20-04-033, RSF No. 21-47-00008.
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Yushkin V.D., 
Zotov L.V., 
Basmanov A.V., 
Sermiagin R.A., 
(2021) Gravity acceleration changes in Russian stations of comparing absolute gravimeters. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 82(11), pp. 8-15. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2021-977-11-8-15