1 Kornilov Yu.N.
2 Tsareva O.S.
3 Shevchenko A.S.

Saint-Petersburg Mining University


Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University


Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

The authors present the assessment of determining the deformation marks’ coordinates accuracy at constructing a network in the form of a linear spatial intersection. Using the distance between the control points and deformation marks; their coordinates are defined. The root- and general mean-square errors in determining the coordinates arising from the faults in measuring the lengths and depending on the shape of the spatial intersection are calculated. Computational mistakes enable assessing the possibility of obtaining the desired results at designing a network of deformation marks with an accuracy that meets the requirements of regulatory documents, and taking the expected accuracy of linear measurements into account. Selecting the marks is shown by the example of an elementary model. Two computer programs for that purpose were developed. The convergence of the results obtained in the course of the programs and theoretical modeling indicates the correct operation of the software. The developed algorithm and pro-grams enable optimizing the location of deformation marks at designing a network.
The work was financially supported by the Government of St.Petersburg, the Committee on Science and High School on the “Development of methodology for assessment the deformations of buildings of cultural heritage monuments”.
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Kornilov Yu.N., 
Tsareva O.S., 
Shevchenko A.S., 
(2021) Optimization of deformation marks location at building a network in the form of a linear spatial intersection. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 82(12), pp. 2-11. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2021-978-12-2-11