1 Atamanov S.A.

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

Cadastral activities, in addition to describing a property for the purpose of cadastral- and rights registration, include an algorithmically complex determination of the sequence of actions necessary to solve the matter. Their result is not only some prepared documentation, but the fact of bringing the description of the real estate and rights to it in accordance with reality, provided that the task of the interested person is completed. The subtype of real estate includes objects that possess certain basic characteristic features and can have definite situational ones. The classification of real estate on the basis of these features provides an opportunity to compare and formalize the requirements for implementation of cadastral works of disparate regulatory legal acts. The field regulating land-and-property relations is modeled as a directed graph, the arcs of which are assigned a direction depending on the type of the initial and final vertices: subjects, services, service options and documents. An effective solution to the problem of an interested person within the framework of cadastral activities is that specified in the current legislation, it is implemented in a given situation and is least resource intensive. The sought effective solution to a particular matter is a set of routes found in the model graph of the regulatory legal field, which is, alternating sequences of vertices and arcs from the initial documents to the final ones, of the smallest length. In order to provide information and legal support for a cadastral engineer at performing cadastral work, regulatory and reference information should be distributed, depending on the formalization requirements, across several interconnected repositories that make up a single knowledge base. Automated assessment of the reliability and updating the recorded information of the knowledge base elements ensure their compliance with the body of regulatory legal acts in the current state.
The author is grateful to colleagues who took part in the establishment of the methodology described, methods, models and information systems.
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Atamanov S.A., 
(2021) The basic principles of the cadastral methodology. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 82(8), pp. 45-54. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2021-974-8-45-54
Publication History
Received: 16.04.2021
Accepted: 05.07.2021
Published: 20.09.2021


2021 August DOI: