ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
1. Sovremennye metody i sredstva izmereniya parametrov gravitatsionnogo polya Zemli. Pod obshchei red. V. G. Peshekhonova; nauch. redaktor O. A. Stepanov. SPb: Kontsern «TsNII «Elektropribor», 2017, 390 p. |
2. Sokolov A. V., Krasnov A. A., Kuz'mina N. V., Yashnikova O. M. Puti resheniya problemy uklonenii otvesnoi linii kak istochnika metodicheskikh oshibok inertsial'nykh navigatsionnykh sistem. Sb. tr. XIII Vseros. soveshchaniya po problemam upravleniya, Moskva: Institut problem upravleniya im. V. A. Trapeznikova RAN, 2019, pp. 1342–1347. |
3. Albayrak M., Halicioğlu K., Özlüdemir M. T., Başoğlu B., Deniz R., Tyler A. R. B., Aref M. M. (2019) The use of the automated digital zenith camera system in Istanbul for the determination of astrogeodetic vertical deflection. Boletim de Ciencias Geodesicas, no. 25 (4), DOI: 10.1590/s1982-21702019000400025. |
4. Tse C. M., Baki Iz. H. (2006) Deflection of the Vertical Components from GPS and Precise Leveling Measurements in Hong Kong. Journal of Surveying Engineering, no. 132 (3), pp. 97–100. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9453(2006)132:3(97). |
(2021) Results of comparing astronomical-geodetic and navigational-geodetic methods of determining the components of the deflection of vertical. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 82(9), pp. 2-10. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2021-975-9-2-10 |