1 Kopylova N.S.
2 Uvarova Sofia Genadyevna

Saint-Petersburg Mining University

The authors analyze the existing methods of calculating the mathematical basis of a topographic map. The availability of the material in the high polar latitude territories of Russia is estimated (according to the information in the Federal Portal of Spatial Data). An automated procedure for calculating, constructing and storing information on the mathematical basis of a topographic map is considered. A program with a simple interface is proposed, in which the coordinates of one point are needed to calculate the mathematical basis of a topographic map, and its name is required to store and retrieve the calculated information. It can function in the MS Excel environment, the database is created in the SQL Server program. The graphical representation is implemented in the AutoCAD software. It is a convenient tool for processing geodetic information and preparing topographic, geodetic, cartographic documentation in the form of tablets and layouts of sheets of maps.
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Kopylova N.S., 
Uvarova Sofia Genadyevna, 
(2022) Optimizing calculation, arrangement and storage of information on the mathematical basis of topographic maps for high-latitude areas. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 83(11), pp. 32-39. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2022-989-11-32-39
Publication History
Received: 11.08.2022
Accepted: 01.11.2022
Published: 20.12.2022


2022 November DOI: