1 Melnik G.E.
2 Steblov G.M.
3 Galaganov O.N.
4 Krupennikova I.S.
5 Mokrova A.N.
6 Rozenberg N.K.
7 Perederin F.V.
8 Perederin V.P.

Center of Geodesy, Cartography and SDI


Sсhmidt institute of physics of the Earth of the RAS

Based on the data from GNSS sites located in Fennoscandia, for the period from the mid-1990s to the present, an analysis of the region’s geodynamics was carried out. For the first time, an extended data set was used, including field observations of the Satellite Methods Laboratory for Studying Geophysical Processes of IPE RAS and sites of the fundamental astronomical geodetic network. It enabled expanding the area of post-glacial rebound modeling in the eastern part of Fennoscandia. As in many previous studies, a vertical velocity field was obtained with a maximum uplift rate of 10 mm/year, located in the northern part of the Gulf of Bothnia. In addition, for the eastern regions of Fennoscandia, a lane of compression deformations of the earth’s surface was revealed. The highlighted lane marks the transition zone from the vaulted uplift area to the East European platform.
This study was partially fulfilled within the framework of the state assignment of IPE RAS on “Development and application of satellite methodologies for modern geodynamics”.
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Melnik G.E., 
Steblov G.M., 
Galaganov O.N., 
Krupennikova I.S., 
Mokrova A.N., 
Rozenberg N.K., 
Perederin F.V., 
Perederin V.P., 
(2022) Investigating postglacial motion of Fennoscandia from GNSS data. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 83(2), pp. 26-36. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2022-980-2-26-36