1 Filippov D.V.
2 Chursin I.N.
3 Boyarenkova A.D.
4 Rulev D.D.

Geoinformation Research Centre RAS

The authors discuss a soil carbonate enrichment problem in the Volgograd region. These processes cause a decrease in yield and require timely identification and assessment of manifestation extent. Observing of large irrigated areas is very difficult. Therefore, the possibilities of monitoring soil carbonate enrichment processes using the analysis of Earth remote sensing data are becoming relevant. The aim of this work is to research the relationship of soil carbonate enrichment with the spectral characteristics of the surface obtained from the data of the “Resurs-P” ultra-high resolution satellite. Using the image from “Resurs-P”, the standard spectral indices were calculated. Most effective ones were selected, having the highest correlation with the degree of soil carbonization, determined from the compared field samples. Through geographic information systems, space images were marked with areas at the sampling points. Information from those sites was then analyzed using graphical visualization and regression analysis. As a result, a relationship was established between the values of the areas’ spectral brightness in the image from the “Resurs-P” and the level of carbonate enrichment. Based on the identified relationships, the Random Forest classifier was trained, using which a map of carbonated soils distribution in the irrigated territory of the Svetloyarsk irrigation system’s test site was created.
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Filippov D.V., 
Chursin I.N., 
Boyarenkova A.D., 
Rulev D.D., 
(2022) Results of soil carbonate enrichment research in irrigated areas using remote sensing data. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 83(8), pp. 39-44. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2022-986-8-39-44