1 Prokhorov A.V.
2 Medvedev A.A.

Institute of Geography RAS

Satellite tracking is of great importance for operational monitoring of the natural environment’s components. Here, telemetry is directly used, which is a set of technologies; it enables making remote measurements and gathering data that can be provided to the operator or user. The main goal of the research is to inform the reader on the ICARUS satellite telemetry project and the related current work in Russia. The ICARUS satellite telemetry system is an international development designed for studying the animal world, including its smallest specimens, and the environment as a whole. The authors consider the issue of processing and structuring large volumes of telemetric data for the purpose of their application in the tasks of operational visualization of animal movements. We present the structure of the data obtained through this system and describe software that allows its automated processing and uses it to form a spatial thematic database. The ultimate aim of the work is to create a web application that would provide the scientific community with ICARUS telemetry information and enable operational wildlife mapping.
The work was carried out according to the State task No. AAAAA-A19-119022190168-8.
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Prokhorov A.V., 
Medvedev A.A., 
(2022) Operational mapping of moving objects using the ICARUS satellite telemetry system. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 83(9), pp. 47-56. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2022-987-9-47-56
Publication History
Received: 30.05.2022
Accepted: 26.09.2022
Published: 20.10.2022


2022 September DOI: