1 Murzincev P.P.
2 Binder I.O.
3 Repin A.S.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies


Institute «Neftegazproekt, JSC

The features of the permafrost rocks’ heave mounds geospatial monitoring arrangement are revealed. A classification of heave mounds was developed, models of temperature fields for a search and evaluation well were constructed, and formulas for determining the average square error of constructing a complete heave hill model were proposed. In the normative and technical literature, as a note, it is recommended to make changes at passing a corridor of linear communications in the immediate vicinity of the heave mounds with the possibility of changing the distances between earth prisms. An example of the route passage between them is given
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Murzincev P.P., 
Binder I.O., 
Repin A.S., 
(2023) Features of permafrost rocks` heave mounds geospatial monitoring at engineering survey stage. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 84(9), pp. 2-7. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2023-999-9-2-7