1 Shevchuk A.A.

State University Of Land Use Planning

The author presents a methodology for geodetic support of land management works using smartphones equipped with dual-frequency GNSS modules. The importance of using mobile devices in the context of modern digital transformation is described, highlighting their economic efficiency and cost reduction. The relevance of the study is confirmed by the analysis of positioning accuracy achieved with various gadget models. The results of field studies conducted under conditions of the Moscow oblast are presented, where the precision of data obtained using mobile devices and traditional GNSS equipment was assessed. Conclusions are made on the practical applicability of the proposed methodology for solving land management tasks and its compliance with regulatory requirements for the exactness of determining the boundaries of land plots is confirmed. The offered technique is recommended for use in geodetic and land management services, as well as in agriculture and forestry
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Shevchuk A.A., 
(2024) Methodology of land management works geodetic support with dual-frequency-GNSS-module smartphones. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 85(11), pp. 10-14. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2024-1013-11-10-14
Publication History
Received: 05.11.2024
Accepted: 20.11.2024
Published: 20.12.2024


2024 November DOI: