1 Papaskiri T.V.
2 Lipski S.A.
3 Biryukov D.A.
4 Kostesha V.A.
5 Shevchuk A.A.

State University Of Land Use Planning

This article deals with the topic of geodetic support for demining the Great Patriotic War combat operation territories. The purpose is to develop a methodology for required works in order to protect citizens from shell explosions and reduce the negative affecting of soil and groundwater, as well as to ensure the valuable use of land in economics. Based on the results of a longtime research and exploratory work during the All-Russian Memory Watches, a methodology was developed; it includes transformation of planning and cartographic material from the period of the Great Patriotic War, validation and analysis of aerospace survey materials, creating a geodetic condensation network designed for reliable positioning of explosive objects in former combat areas and definition of these territories’ boundaries. The result may be complete demining of lands and bringing them to a safe state, which contributes to restoration of the environment and further use in agriculture, as well as creating historical sites and information resources in memory of the exploits of our people in the Great Patriotic War
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Papaskiri T.V., 
Lipski S.A., 
Biryukov D.A., 
Kostesha V.A., 
Shevchuk A.A., 
(2024) Geodetic support of demining combat operation territories. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 85(11), pp. 4-9. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2024-1013-11-4-9