1 Karpik A.P.
2 Malikov A.O.
3 Mamaev D.S.
4 Mareev A.V.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

The authors present a study of a geodetic monitoring-ringing observation system based on lowcost phased-array GNSS hardware, the open-source MonCenterLib software and the proprietary MonCenter GNSS Reveiver. The subject of the research was to evaluate the sensitivity of the mentioned system consisting of multiple stations to vertical impulse motions. As a result of the study it was found out that the developed device is sensitive to impulse vertical displacements of 10 mm and higher. At the same time, its efficiency in determining the motion according to the F1 measure is estimated at 67 %. The models of point movements obtained by processing the measurements in the “static” mode and analyzing the movements of the stations in the geodetic network are able to determine the displacements more accurately, compared to the models built based on processing GNSS measurements in the kinematic mode. Thus, the geodetic network based on the said GNSS receivers and open-source software, in general, allows increasing the observability of geodetic monitoring systems
The study was supported by the state budget research work “Automatic geodetic monitoring of natural environment and engineering structures with low-cost high-precision sensors of vertical displacements in the Far North” (FEFS-2023-0003)
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Karpik A.P., 
Malikov A.O., 
Mamaev D.S., 
Mareev A.V., 
(2024) Estimating sensitivity to vertical movements of geodetic monitoring network with low-cost GNSS consumer navigation equipment. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 85(12), pp. 18-29. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2024-1014-12-18-29