1 Kravchenko T.V.
2 Bogdanova O.V.

Industrial University of Tyumen

The article deals with development and testing of a methodology for assessing the level of attractiveness of specially protected areas. The purpose of this study is to determine the main criteria and types of nature to survive, historical and cultural areas attractiveness. In modern realities, eco-tourism is an important investment field in the context of import substitution in the tourism services market. Development of this territory makes it possible to use nature protecting areas and archaeological heritage sites. The practical significance of the study is solving the problem of the low level of eco-tourism in Russia, using the developed software module to assess the degree of investment attractiveness. The authors prove that the proposed program designed for MapInfo will enable assessing the interest in archaeological heritage sites and developing eco-tourism there. In addition, the real value of the study is manifested in replenishing the regional and municipal budgets by drawing the attention of investors to this type of business
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Kravchenko T.V., 
Bogdanova O.V., 
(2024) Assessment of specially protected areas’ investment attractiveness level to develop ecological tourism. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 85(6), pp. 56-64. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2024-1008-6-56-64
Publication History
Received: 02.02.2024
Accepted: 14.06.2024
Published: 20.07.2024


2024 June DOI: