1 Tertyshnikov A.V.

SInstitute of applied geophysics named after academician E. K. Fedorov

Based on measurements of magnetic declinations with standard shipboard instruments in three marine expeditions in the Russian Arctic, estimates of the Earth`s North Magnetic Pole position in 2021 were obtained. It is located in the Russian sector of the Arctic. Experiments on determining the North Magnetic Pole in 2021 were carried out on board the research vessels “Professor Molchanov” and the scientific expedition one “Mikhail Somov” supported by the hydrographic ship of “Horizon”. The calculations used a comparison of measurements along the quasi-closed route with magnetic declination data using the International Geomagnetic Analytical Field IGRF13 (International Geomagnetic Reference Field) model with the choice of the minimum discrepancy, a simple inverse matching problem for smooth functions was solved. The results obtained confirm the possibility of regular operational assessment of the Earth`s magnetic poles position. The technology of assessing the magnetic deviation of ships is considered
The author thanks Andrey Vadimovich Sharomov for his initiative and responsibility in carrying out measurements in the Arctic Ocean and Roman Vyacheslavovich Gogolev for carrying out measurements in the Southern Ocean
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Tertyshnikov A.V., 
(2024) Estimates of the North magnetic pole position in 2021. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 85(7), pp. 59-64. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2024-1009-7-59-64
Publication History
Received: 09.02.2024
Accepted: 26.07.2024
Published: 20.08.2024


2024 July DOI: