1 Shevchuk R.V.
2 Manevich A.I.
3 Losev I.V.
4 Aleshin I.M.
5 Akmatov D.Zh.
6 Tatarinova T.A.
7 Urmanov D.I.

RAS Geophysical Center

The authors present the results of studying the forest cover impact on the measurements accuracy made with the help of global navigation satellite systems at local geodynamic test sites. The study was held at the Nizhne-Kansk geodynamic polygon (Krasnoyarsk krai) in the period from 2010 to 2023. The main purpose was to investigate the wood vegetation influencing the GNSS measurements accuracy. Three classes of forest cover were defined: high density (class 1), moderate thickness (class 2), and ideal dimensional conditions (class 3). The results showed that the greatest errors occur at high forest density, both in plane and altitude. To improve the exactness, increasing the duration of the process and selecting areas with lower density of forest cover is recommended. Planning field works taking into account the class and time enables improving the accuracy of GNSS measurements significantly, which is especially important for geodynamic studies that require high precision of geodetic points coordinates
This work was conducted in the framework of budgetary funding of the of the Sсhmidt institute of physics of the Earth of the RAS, adopted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
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Shevchuk R.V., 
Manevich A.I., 
Losev I.V., 
Aleshin I.M., 
Akmatov D.Zh., 
Tatarinova T.A., 
Urmanov D.I., 
(2024) Analysis of the radio interference and measurement parameters impact on GNSS accuracy in forested areas. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 85(8), pp. 23-30. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2024-1010-8-23-30