1 Tyutyukova V.A.

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

The author considers the method of determining horizontal displacements using remote sensing data from two orbits (ascending and descending). The territory of the Yakovlevsky mining site (Belgorod oblast, RF) was considered as the object under study. Differential interferometric processing of materials from Sentinel-1 satellites was performed. The orbits of the spacecraft under consideration are multidirectional. Geometric transforming of the information was used to determine the horizontal displacements of the Earth`s surface. The accuracy of the results obtained was assessed by comparing the records obtained by radar interferometry with the outcome of geodetic observations. The analysis allowed obtaining information on the scale and dynamics of horizontal shifts and deformations for the period from 2019 to 2021 in the territory of this field
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Tyutyukova V.A., 
(2024) Determining horizontal displacements using interferometric processing of remote sensing data with Sentinel-1 satellites from two orbits. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 85(9), pp. 57-64. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2024-1011-9-57-64
Publication History
Received: 15.03.2024
Accepted: 06.09.2024
Published: 20.10.2024


2024 September DOI: